Soul Question Meditation for Authentic Branding

When clients come to me, they want a website that goes beyond.

Beyond the inputting of images and text into a template. Beyond the various tricks and gimmicks and logic-based strategies for selling or converting. Beyond the ever-changing design trends and fads.

Clients come to me to see themselves reflected in their website, because they know that their right clients will want to work with THEM, not some mask they have put on because somebody said so or because the colors were ‘hip’.

In other words, they recognize that authenticity is the critical component. In this digital age of constant consumption and over-saturation, standing out is crucial. And the only way to do that in a way that also resonates with the people who most need your offerings is to be authentic.

That’s why I love branding. Branding is the portal through which authenticity is communicated. Whether you HAVE a business, or you ARE your business, your brand is the embodiment of your essence, values, beliefs, offerings, and ideal clients.

To create authentic branding, we work from the inside-out.

Which really means, we start with the soul.

In my business, this means that every day I tune in to my soul, listen for answers and do my best to follow through and believe in what I receive. Then once a month, on the new moon, I have a ritual where I seek broader answers and set intentions.

The meditation below, created on the new moon/summer solstice/solar eclipse in June 2020, will help you get grounded, connected, and tune in to what your soul is ready for in the coming days, weeks, and month. Bookmark the page and use it whenever you need! Or access it on Insight Timer and add it to your daily meditation rotation.

As you get to know your soul, you’ll be able to deepen your conscious understanding of who you are, what you’re here to create, and how to bring that into form, which translates into your authentic brand!

Angela Winter

Awakened Creator helps heart-centered business owners stand out amid the online noise by translating their authentic expression into a welcoming online home.

Is your website codependent?


On pleasure and creativity